In today’s market, stiff competition and heightened market valuations are raising concerns across the venture ecosystem. Many fear that consensus returns for this period could ultimately be mediocre and see a reshuffling of both the venture hierarchy and the way venture as an asset class operates. With that, figuring out an advantage over the consensus is more important than ever - it’s not just a means to returns, it’s a means to survival. Some believe that power law dynamics suggest a capital cannon approach to lay down as many bets as possible in the hopes of achieving a $100b outcome (which is now more possible than ever) that will justify many losers and, to be fair, they could be right. For better or worse, that’s not me and that’s not Equal Ventures.
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Concentration > Diversification
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In today’s market, stiff competition and heightened market valuations are raising concerns across the venture ecosystem. Many fear that consensus returns for this period could ultimately be mediocre and see a reshuffling of both the venture hierarchy and the way venture as an asset class operates. With that, figuring out an advantage over the consensus is more important than ever - it’s not just a means to returns, it’s a means to survival. Some believe that power law dynamics suggest a capital cannon approach to lay down as many bets as possible in the hopes of achieving a $100b outcome (which is now more possible than ever) that will justify many losers and, to be fair, they could be right. For better or worse, that’s not me and that’s not Equal Ventures.